Return Policy

No cancellation or refund request is allowed after order and payment completion.

No refund or return on any purchases will be accepted unless a valid defect is found on the item upon arrival. Any refund is not possible after more than 3 DAYS OF ARRIVAL, arrival date will be according to the shipping record provided by the official website of the shipping courier/agent. Make sure to check the condition of your item as soon as it has arrived.

Order Finality: Once your order is placed and the payment process is completed, cancellations or refund requests will no longer be accepted.

Return and Refund Conditions Our policy allows for returns and refunds only if a valid defect is identified upon the arrival of your item. To qualify for a refund, any defect must be reported within 3 days of the item's arrival, based on the shipping record provided by the official shipping courier/agent website.

Item Inspection We strongly recommend that you inspect your item as soon as it arrives to ensure its condition.

Claims and Complaints Please note that any claims or complaints received beyond the mentioned 3-day period will not be accepted.

Return Process Before returning the defective item, please email us at Ensure to clearly state the defect and attach photographs showing the details. These photographs should include the defective issue(s) and the product from different angles, along with all the original packaging items.

Returning Items The defective item must be returned together with all its original packaging and items including but not limited to tags, warranty card, instruction manuals..etc.

Final Decision Watch Outz reserves the final right to decide on arranging a replacement or refund, subject to product availability and operational considerations.

Shipping and Administrative Costs The customer/recipient is responsible for covering all related shipping costs and/or administrative costs for any items being returned.

Non-Valid Defects Examples:

Accuracy within Range: Different calibers have varying accuracy ranges. Please refer to the official manufacturer's specifications for reference.

Non-Uniformity in Rubber or Plastic Parts: Minor finishing variations that are not visible to the naked eye do not constitute valid defects.

Color Mismatch: The colors displayed on the website may not perfectly reflect the true color of the actual item.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer service team for support.

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